Biological Safety

Biological Safety Services
OccuHealth, Inc. provides auditing and program development services for Biological Safety. Our services are useful for a number of different industries, including research laboratories, microbiological and biomedical laboratories, waste disposal facilities, and manufacturing.
In addition, we are familiar with the range and scope of governing bodies and agencies that oversee work sites where biological research is performed. Our services will ensure both the well-being of your employees, and compliance with any and all required agencies and regulations. From risk assessment to program implementation, we can help guide you through the entire process.
Auditing for Compliance Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL), 5th Edition
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and U.S. Department of Agriculture - Select Agents
Federal and State Biomedical Waste Disposal Regulations
National Institute of Health (NIH) Guideline for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules
Auditing for OSHA Regulation Compliance Bloodborne Pathogens
Hazard Communication
Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories
Personal Protective Equipment
Respiratory Protection
Program Development, Implementation, and Sustainability Biosafety Manuals
Chair and participate in Institution Biosafety Committees (IBCs)
Management of primary barrier certifications & maintenance programs (Biological Safety Cabinets)
Review Research Protocol Registrations
Interface/Communication Services With Facilities Personnel
Principal Investigators (PIs)
Regulatory Agencies
Scientific Lines
Other Biological Safety Services Biological Risk Assessment
Training Services Instructor Led Training
Online OSHA Training